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Speaking Engagements

In addition to his work as an educator and guide at the Alexander Muss High School in Israel, Akiva travels each year to America visiting high schools, universities and synagogues, to speak with students and communities about a diversity of topics related to Judaism and Israel, adding a fresh and different perspective to their programming and events.


Universities Akiva has spoken at include: UPenn, Wesleyan, Brown University, University of Maryland, Towson, Columbia, and UMass at Amherst.


He has also spoken in Jewish communities in New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Silver Spring, Baltimore and Miami. 


Below is a sample of some of themes and topics that Akiva speaks about.


Contact Akiva (below) to invite him to your community for an informative

and inspiring event.




Jewish Spirituality and Mysticism


Jewish Spirituality and Music


The Revolution of the Hasidic Movement


Kabbalah and Campus Activism


Judaism, Reincarnation and the Afterlife


Judaism as a Spiritual Path


Searching for God in the Modern World


A Personal Story: Searching for My Jewish Roots



Judaism and the Environment


Jewish Environmental Ethics


Shabbat and its Role in Tikkun Olam


Jewish Thought on Vegetarianism and Veganism


Judaism, Baal Tashchit and Modern Consumerism


Jewish Food Ethics


Teachings on Tu B'Shvat and musical and spiritual Tu B'Shvat seder



Zionism and Modern Israel


Early Zionism and the Roots of the Israeli-Arab Conflict


What's Behind Israel's Success as a Start Up Nation


The Experience of Making Aliyah to Israel


Modern Israel and the Diaspora: One Nation or a Divided Nation?


What You Can Learn About Israel from Israeli Music



Akiva is also available to be a Shabbat scholar-in-residence for high school Shabbatonim, campus Hillels, synagogues and gap-year and other programs. Includes pre-Shabbat musical preparation, Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat, Friday night tisch, teaching and learning throughout Shabbat and a musical Havdallah service.




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"Becoming Israeli" available at:




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